What I mean when I say "God" (Part 4)

God is a tailor

IT SOUNDS silly, but at first, I felt like believing in God meant I couldn’t curse. And I curse a fucking lot, so that was kind of a big issue. So for a while I was super serious and proper when talking about God. 

But, one day, I was thinking about the times when I’ve let my teenage clients curse a lot in therapy. It usually happens when they are very passionate or emotional about something, and that’s just naturally how they can best express that. I’d much rather understand them than be proper, so I let them say whatever they need to get the message across.  

I realized that I’m often the same way. Yes, I can speak with a more advanced vocabulary and can be eloquent— but there are some moments where “holy fucking shit” or “what the fuck” is the most accurate way to describe what I’m feeling. By censoring myself, I am therefore robbing myself of the ability to be genuine in my communication about God. And I honestly think that God cares way more about me sharing my passion for Him than the words I use to do it. Plus, if He’s really all-knowing, He should know my intentions are good.

Now, I’ve come to accept that how I wear my faith, like my personal style, will be unique to me. I think that instead of us all wearing mass-produced, off-the-rack faith, God would rather help us create a custom-tailored faith, that fits and expresses our individuality. Otherwise, why would God have created each of us so differently?

THIS SERIES has been just a really quick introduction to some of my most basic ideas about God. There's a lot more interesting, crazy, and radical ways I see Him, too, that I can't wait to begin discussing about and sharing with you here. And, of course, these ideas are bound to change and develop over time, so I will continue to expand on them as I learn more.